उत्तर प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग (यूपीपीएससी) मुख्य परीक्षा वैकल्पिक विषय पाठ्यक्रम हिंदी में "दर्शनशास्त्र" UPPCS Mains Optional Subject Exam Syllabus in Hindi (Philosophy)
:: प्रश्नपत्र - I (Paper - I)::
दर्शनशास्त्र का इतिहास एवं समस्यायें (History and Problems of Philosophy)
(खण्ड-अ Section - A)
खण्ड-ब (Section - B)
प्रश्न पत्र - II (Paper - II)
सामाजिक- राजनैतिक दर्शन एवं धर्म-दर्शन (Socio Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion)
(खण्ड-अ Section - A)
1. सामाजिक और राजनैतिक आदर्शः समानता, न्याय, स्वतंत्रता
2. संप्रभुता,
3. व्यक्ति तथा राज्य,
4. लोकतंत्रः अवधारणा तथा प्रकार,
5. समाजवाद तथा माक्र्सवाद,
6. मानववाद,
7. धर्मनिरपेक्षताववाद,
8. बहुसंस्कृतिवाद,
9. दण्ड के सिद्धान्त,
10. हिंसा, अहिंसा, सर्वोदय,
11. लिंग-समानता,
12. वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि एवं प्रगति,
13. पारिस्थितिकी-दर्शन।
(खण्ड-ब Section - B)
1. धर्म, धर्मशास्त्र तथा धर्म दर्शन,
2. धर्म तथा नैतिकता,
3. ईश्वर विषयक अवधारणायें: वैयक्तिक, अवैयक्तिक, प्रकृतिवादी,
4. ईश्वर के अस्तित्व के लिए प्रमाण,
5. आत्मा की अमरता,
6. मोक्ष,
7. धार्मिक ज्ञान: बुद्धि, देवी प्रकाशना तथा रहस्यवाद,
8. ईश्वर विहीन धर्म,
9. अशुभ की समस्या,
10. धार्मिक सहिष्णुता।
UPPSC Philosophy Syllabus
History and Problems of Philosophy: (Section-A)
- Plato: Theory of ideas.
- Aristotle: Form, matter and Causation.
- Descartes: Method, soul, God, Mind-Body dualism.
- Spinoza: Substance, Attributes and Modes, Pantheism.
- Leibnitz: Monads, God.
- Locke: Theory of knowledge, Rejection of Innate Ideas, Substance and Qualities.
- Berkeley: Refuta-tion of Matter, idealism.
- Hume: Theory of knowledge, Scepticism, Self, Casuality.
- Kant: Apriori andaposteriori knowledge, analytic and synthetic judgement, possibility of synthic apriori judgement, space, timer categories, ideas of Reason, Criticism of the proofs for the existence God.
- Hegal: DialecticalMethod, Absoulte ideaism.
- It Includes
- Moore: Defence of Common sense, Refutation of idealism.
- Russell: Theory of Descriptions, Incomplete Symbols.
- Logical: Atomic Facts, Elementary Propositions, PictureAtomism (Wittgenstein) Theory of Meaning, Distinction of saying and showing.
- Logical Positivism: Verification Theory. Rejection of Metaphysics, positivism Linguistic Theory of Necessary Propositions.
- Phenomenology: Husserl
- Existentialism: Kicrkegaard, sartres.
- Quine: Radical Translation.
- Strawson: Theory of Person.
- Charvak: Theory of knowledge, Materialism.
- Jainism: Theory of Reality. Syadvada and Saptabhanginaya, bondage and liberation.
- Buddhism: Pratityasamutpada, Ksanikakvada, Nairiatmyvada, Schools of Buddhism.
- Sankhya: Prakriti, Purusa, Theory of Causation, Liberation
- Nyaya-Vaisesika: Pramanas, Self, Lib-eration, Nature of God and proofs for existence of God. Categories, Theory of causation, Atomism.
- Mimansa: Theory of knowledge, Prama, Pramanas, svatahpramanyavada.
- Vedants: Sankara, Ramaujaand Madhva (Brahma, Isvara, Atma Jiva, Jagat, Maya, Avidya, Adhyasa, Moksha) .
Socio Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
- Political Ideals: Equality, Justice, Liberty
- Sovereignty
- Individual and State
- Democracy: Concept and forms
- Socialism and Marxism
- Humanism
- Secularism
- Theories of Punishment
- Violence, non-violence, Sarvodaya
- Gender-Equality
- Scientific Temper and Progress
- Philosophy of Ecology
- Religion; Theology and philosophy of Religion
- Religion and Morality
- Notions of God; Personalistic, impersonalistic, Natuaralistic.
- Proofs for the existence of God.
- Immoratility of Soul
- Liberation
- Religious knowledge; Reasons, Revelation and Mysticism
- Religion without God
- Problem of Evil
- Religious olerance.